Animal-Assisted Therapy

What Is Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT)?

AAT is a type of therapy that strategically incorporates human–animal interactions into a formal therapeutic process. It is considered an adjunct to existing therapy and is guided by a licensed professional who has also been certified as an AAT handler to work with a certified animal. AAT uses the human–animal bond in goal-directed interventions as an integral part of the treatment process.

Benefits of AAT

AAT at Finding Freedom Therapy

Amanda became certified as an AAT handler in April 2015 through Dr. Cynthia Chandler’s program at the University of North Texas after realizing that her family dog, a boxer named JD, seemed emotionally attuned to people who were upset. Despite his own fears from being abused and abandoned at a shelter when he was a year and a half old, JD would attempt to comfort those who needed it. Once the power of AAT became apparent, it was decided that it would be a staple at Finding Freedom Therapy, where it has been beneficial to so many.